The sky is the limit: We offer all ceiling elements needed for your OR. From low-turbulence laminar airflow ceilings over regular metal ceiling tiles up to individual motif ceilings. We are also happy to help with special solutions.
Just contact us!
- Laminar Air Flow
- Motif Ceilings
- Metal Ceiling Tiles
In the field of OR-clean air ceilings we offer a variety of tailored products. Customers come back to small clean air solutions for intensive care units up to optimized low-turbulence climate ceiling for operating rooms. The Laminar Airflow ceilings fulfil all modern requirements and international norms and standards, and can be integrated into every OR.
With MEDglas Ceiling Motive we care about the special needs of patients. While lying on the OR-table the sight will go up. With special motives of sky pictures we have the solution for functional rooms like ICU's, recovery-, MRI-, CTI- or endoscopy rooms.
The freely chooseable pictures will be printed fotorealistically onto a cloth that is strained under a LED-substructure. The sky is now within reach!
MEDIK offers ceilings made of metal ceiling tiles
All elements are sealed against each other and form a flush and hygienic surface for any room.